Monday, August 31, 2020

Shades of Summer

Enough tomatoes from our own garden to 
can all the tomato products I need.

Peaches from the neighbor's orchard, 33 quarts of them.

Yellow pear tomatoes from a plant that became the largest 
ever grown in our history of gardening. It completely overwhelmed
its allotted spot--and the gardeners. Sadly, we couldn't keep up.
I hate having produce rot in the garden, so I uprooted the plant.

43 quarts of beans, and that's after missing
two weeks of picking them while we were in Indiana

Unbelievable amount of peppers from 4 plants. 
With a garden that produces well, I can almost
understand why some people say they enjoy
gardening--almost, but not quite.

One of my summer's best bargains--boots he can
put on himself. And take off. And put on. And take off...

Organic blueberries picked in Indiana with Mom. 
"Just until the children get tired of it," she said. 
I think the boys lasted 14 minutes but chivalrously
hung out with us until we each had three inches
of berries in our buckets. Delish!