Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Ministry of Validation

I stood by the counter watching my pizza roll out of the commercial oven. A restaurant employee took it from the oven, cut it, and had it in its box all in three seconds flat.  I was impressed.  When she handed my pizza to me, I said, "Wow.  This isn't your first day doing this, is it?"

She leaned forward confidentially and said, "I started yesterday."

We both laughed, knowing that wasn't true, but I said, "In that case, you're a genius."

We were laughing as I walked out.

On the way home, I started thinking about my brief exchange with the Pizza Genius.  Even though much of it had been in jest, I knew I had stumbled upon something I should have been consciously engaging in for years: validating people.

This old world could use it.  Its people are so full of sorrow and pain that world news can be overwhelming, not to mention personal pain that never reaches the headlines. Being so entrenched in it, negativity leaks out all over until you hear hurtful things spoken friend to friend in the name of a jest.

But I have a positive God Who feeds me with positive things.  He tells me I am an heir of His.  He tells me I am accepted.  That I have worth and value.  He tells me he is preparing a place for me so I can live with him someday.

Being fed with that kind of positivity, I want to become one of those who continually pays it forward. I want to join the ranks of people who pass along words of happiness to perfect strangers, leaving them with a sense of cheer and warmth.

I'm encouraged by people who have done that to me.  Or by people like my brother-in-law who works as an intensive care nurse and says his goal is to leave each room he works in with a little taste of heaven.  I find those kind of people inspiring.

So, join me.  Let's bask in the joy of being one of God's children, then step out, confident in Whose child we are, and pay it forward.

The world needs it.


  1. MY Dear Sister in Law!!!!!
    You are amazing!!!!!!!!
    You find the joy in every day life as your blog says!!
    I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
    Your Sister in Law,

    1. Taking good care of your brother is my specialty. :) But you are sweet.

  2. Well said.

    I found it interesting that you contrasted a validating jest with a hurtful jest. It seems to me that sometimes my jokes reveal my true thoughts about someone more than my serious conversation. It's as if I believe saying it lightly, laughingly softens the blow. But it doesn't.

    I needed this reminder. Thank you.

    1. I needed this reminder too. And you are so right, the laughing manner in which negative words are spoken don't take away their sting. I'll never forget the time I heard someone make a derogatory comment about their good friend all in the name of a joke. Everyone there laughed (me included) until I saw that the friend wasn't laughing. Jest or no, this wasn't funny to her. We do well to guard ourselves from negative words of any kind--and even better to exchange them for some positive ones!

  3. Inspiring! Thanks for posting this Sara! Reminds me of a lady in front of me at the check out a couple months ago. I was quite blown away when she looked the bagger at the end of the check out in the eye and said, "thank you so much for bagging for me!" in such a genuine, grateful way that everyone who heard it must have perked up by the kindness and positivity in the air. I sure did! I passed it on to the mail lady several days later and it sure was fun to see her perked up and rejuvenated! This validating, positive person is more of the kind of person I want to be, and more of who God is making me into, praise Him!

    1. An excellent example, Hannah. I have always thought of you as a positive of those I want to be like. :)

  4. Good reminder. I just had a conversation this week that made me more aware of how even confident people have hidden insecurities and a word of praise and encouragement can be what they need to keep on ministering to others.

    1. So true. I don't think anyone outgrows the need for affirmation and encouragement.
