Tuesday, July 14, 2015

To Grandmother's house we go. . .

With our trip to Ghana looming on the horizon, we are spending several weeks with my parents in IN and are drinking in the moments spent with family. It is such fun, precious moments here and we are enjoying it to the full.

One evening we went to Flavor Freeze, the ice cream joint we frequented on summer evenings when I was a child. My brother and his son went along. It was fun to introduce my children to the same Kiddie Circus Sundaes I had as a girl. 

We had a campfire one evening.

Blueberries are in season, and amazing berries they are! Some were nearly the size of cherries and hung by the handful on the bushes. Sophia is holding the bag of berries she picked all by herself.

Tyler is learning to ride a bike on a cement driveway on the same bike I learned on as a child, and Sophia is having fun on a big trike. 

Smiling prettily in her new dress.

 Grandma is soaking up every moment with the grandchildren. So precious!

1 comment:

  1. aww.. will miss you guys!!!!!!!
    wish I could say goodbye in person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(:(
    Love you!!!!!!!!!!
