Friday, September 5, 2014

How to Age Your Mother

I treasure my mornings when I can begin the day alone with my Bible and God before the children wake up.  Sometimes with a cup of coffee, always in my favorite recliner, my days seem to start on the right foot when I have that half hour alone.

I was ready for the day, then, on that beautiful morning when my young son came downstairs.  He padded sleepily towards me for his morning snuggle, looking tousle-headed and cute.  When he was about three feet away, he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and stared into the shadowy corner behind my recliner with a look of utter surprise on his face.  His eyes blinked to focus better, widened a little, and then he asked, "Who is that behind your chair?"

I managed to thwart my initial reaction of raising my eyebrows into my hairline as the prickles raced down my spine and my mind processed the info on high speed.  Someone behind my chair?  Had they been crouching there all morning?  Nah, couldn't be. I kept my voice normal and said, "No one is."

My son stayed stock still and stared behind my chair.  In complete innocence and with a seriousness and "the look" that told me he was telling the truth, he said emphatically, "Yes, there is!"

At that point I hoped he was seeing my guardian angel which would seem to be the most positive "someone" to have behind my chair.  But how likely was that?  My heart rate picked up pace and my voice assumed an unnatural tone as I told him, "Tell me who it is."

"It is Brown Bear!" he shouted triumphantly and dashed behind my chair to retrieve his stuffed friend.

As he climbed onto my lap, he had no idea the state my heart was in.  He adjusted himself and his bear and snuggled in for some mommy time.  I kissed the top of his head and asked, like any good mother would, "Did you sleep well last night?"  I was glad to hear that my voice sounded not quite as thin; apparently my vitals were returning to normal.

My morning had begun.

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