Friday, August 15, 2014

Celebrate the Weekend!

Hooray!!  Its the Weekend!
We really love weekends around here! Ours begin the moment John comes home from work on Friday evening; he often walks into the house saying, "It's the weekend!" There are a variety of reasons that make weekends my favorite part of the week, but by far the biggest reason is that John doesn't have to go to work which means we have two whole days to be together.  Now that's worth celebrating!

By the way, the neat thing about "celebrating" is that basically anything out of the ordinary is fun, no matter how simple it is.  Anything done differently than normal creates a memory which means it takes very little to give a special twist to any occasion. 

Simple Celebrations are fun...
Take one of our "It's the Weekend!" celebrations for example.  We decided to make cookies together one Friday evening by way of celebrating the weekend.  With my son hanging over my shoulder, I paged through a cookbook loaded with lots of great looking cookie pictures and let him choose which kind to make.  He chose, of all things, cut-out Christmas cookies decked out in red and green sprinkles.  This happened to be spring.  A quick family counsel resulted in the decision that though there were  flowers, green grass, and spring peepers alive and well outside, Christmas cookies would taste just as good in the spring as they do in December.  And so with robins looking at us cross-eyed from our Rose of Sharon outside the kitchen window, we baked Christmas cookies in celebration of the weekend. They may have been terribly out of season, but to my crew with their deep appreciation for any kind of cookies, they tasted wonderful.  

Game Night Idea...
Fortunately for families with a little more sanity than ours, celebrating the weekend doesn't have to include out-of-season cookies.  Do a game night sometime.  

Our game night included the cutest croquet court I've ever seen.  It must have been ten feet across at the most with only four wickets and the shiniest-eyed croquet player beaning his ball like a professional.  Well, sort of. He did better than we expected, but we fudged rules a little to let him have multiple turns when he got close to a wicket but not quite through. Fudged rules or no, it was grand fun for all of us.

Tonight starts the weekend; let's go celebrate!

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