Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Repetition's Value

Life is a circle.
I haven’t kept track how many
times I have washed the same dishes or
mopped the same floors or laundered the same
clothes. I only know that I often wield my dishrag or
mop and almost daily I cram piles of dirty duds into my
hungry machine. Much of life as a stay-at-home mom feels
repetitive. Today I listened to my second grader recite identical
passages her brother memorized two years ago. Another child is
watching, biding his time until he is big enough to quote Beatitudes
and portions of the Psalms. I teach him the same lessons I instilled in
his siblings: Colors. Numbers. Please. Thanks. Kindness. Obedience.
I could find these endless cycles depressing. Empty or meaningless.
But then I remember that God does the same things, repeatedly.
His promise hangs on repetition: As long as earth remains, day
And night, snow and heat, summer and winter will continue.
Perhaps God created cycles to showcase His promises
and His dependable, enduring, stable character.
My cyclical life becomes my daily hint
of God Himself.


  1. This resonates. The format is beautiful and accentuates the words, adds depth. WOW! Gets me thinking. Maybe another reason God create the world to circle around itself is that if he hadn't, we would have no hope of learning anything. Things would always be changing, moving forward, and we'd have no hope of learning from past generations, because every generation would be different. The cycles give us both sameness and variety.

    Anyway. Thank you.

    1. Interesting point, and another great reason to have cycles in place!
