Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A Pictorial Weekend of Thanks

One of my life's goals is to become a spontaneously thankful, joyous person. I wish it came naturally for me, but it doesn't. So, I have tried to purposely cultivate an attitude of gratitude by keeping an ongoing list of things that bring happiness and beauty to life. This blog title "Dewdrops of Joy" is also a reflection of my efforts at finding joy in life's little things. 

I love, then, a dedicated season of thanks such as America's Thanksgiving holiday provides. 

This year we celebrated by hosting American friends on Thanksgiving Day with the traditional side dishes and the non-traditional chicken. I bought a tiny chicken (it fit in my bread pan) as a token of the turkey and to give us something to carve. Otherwise, we served chicken legs/thighs that were cheaper to come by.

Notice the "turkey" in the center of the tray
Using a (clean) bed sheet as a table cloth and some simple fall decor, we had a pretty table. 
I created the place cards using an oatmeal box and
a used birthday card. Fun!

Of course, we had to have the pumpkin-shaped dinner rolls which have become a Thanksgiving tradition.

Everyone took turns sharing non-traditional things we were thankful for, so instead of saying expected things like "food and family," our lists were laced with the unexpected: 
  • That the electric wires above our compound haven't burned through. They are fraying so every time a bird sits on them, the dangling part touches the wire below. It sparks and sizzles but hasn't burned through.
  • That I didn't give birth in an Accra traffic jam. 
  • And the butter-lover who only gets it on rare occasions like Thanksgiving: "I'm thankful for real butter!"
Afterwards, I soaked the dishes to make them easy to wash later and we all did a Scavenger Hunt outside. Losers were awarded with dishes duty. 

The Scavenger Hunt was fun. You could take pictures or bring the item itself. And if you couldn't find it, you were welcome to draw it with sidewalk chalk. 

the List
"One dozen."

"Something stuck." Wedging a coconut
in the porch rails worked nicely. 
Friends in Cape Coast invited us for the weekend. We stayed with a sweet couple who took excellent care of us, and we soaked up talk-time with Christian friends. Five different missions were represented for a day of thanksgiving and fellowship.

We also had a time of prayer and blessings as a good-bye for colleagues who completed their ten-year commitment as headmaster of a school our mission began in a village nearly 20 years ago. The school has been successfully handed over to like-minded Ghanaians who will continue its operations with the same values and goals it has always had. While the transfer is a good thing, we will dearly miss our friends.

So thankful that there will be no goodbyes in heaven!
On the way home, Tyler was able to have octopus for the first time and enjoyed it, even though I think it tastes like fish-flavored balloons.

I trust you have had a blessed weekend as well. In the comments below, tell me something you are grateful for. Friends and family, food and health have already been said (wink), so you need to think of something less commonly mentioned.

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