Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Overcoming Inferiority with God-honoring Thoughts

Thoughts form the thermostat which regulates what we accomplish in life. If I adjust my thermostat forward –to thoughts filled with vision, hope, and victory- I can count on that kind of day.  Charles Swindoll

This week: 
Honor God with your thought life. Remember that advice in Philippians that says to think about things that are true? This means we reject daydreams where someone wrongs you or those where you are a perpetual heroine. It also means we reject negative thoughts about ourselves. Fill your mind with truthful and God-honoring thoughts.

Refuse to degrade yourself. The God who created you said you are very good. We dishonor Him by forever calling ourselves a failure. The next time someone gives you a compliment, accept it with a smile and a thank you (or a “Praise God” or whatever response comes easily to you) instead of trying to brush it off. 

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. There is power in thanksgiving, a power in focusing on blessings that pulls our minds away from spirals of negativity. 

Throughout your day, look for little things that add happiness, beauty, or blessings to your life. Write down at least ten things today. . .and tomorrow. . .and until you get in the habit of being on the lookout for the little dewdrops of blessing God gives to you. 

I keep mine in a journal designated for this list. It makes rich reading later on, sort of becoming a journal but one filled only with positive blessings God gave. I am usually inspired when I read over it and find myself being grateful to God all over again for all His gifts to me. Sometimes I print little pictures I have taken and tape those in my journal, like my daughter using the vacuum attachments as a violin or the first tulips of spring.

More ideas to lead you toward victory over your thoughts:
  • Do something else. If you are sitting in your living room and find your thoughts turning negative, get up and go somewhere else. Do something else. Diversions can be healthy.
  • Do something kind for someone else. Bake bread in cute, little loaves, tie them up with a ribbon and drop them in somebody’s car at church. Volunteer to help someone for a day.
  • As soon as thoughts come you want to reject, quote a Bible verse that is precious to you. Or pray for someone in need. Use these thoughts of low-worth as your prompt to pray for someone who needs Jesus or who is in a really difficult situation.
  • Get some exercise, preferably in the fresh air. Exercise is an effective tool in warding off depression. 


  1. Sarah, thanks for this series!It is actually something I REALLY struggle with! Just today again I caught myself thinking thoughts that were not what God thinks of me... -Lydia Ruth

    1. You are very welcome. The good thing is that you caught the thoughts. :) God receives glory from us not only when we never deal with these temptations, but when we can face the temptations with His grace and overcome them.

      I used to think I was alone in this journey and while I'm never glad to hear of other ladies dealing with it, there is strength in knowing I am not alone, that we are fighting this thing together, and that by encouraging each other along, we'll all be stronger in the end.

      God bless you a whole bunch!
