Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Mystery Bird

This morning I heard birds chirping desperately and incessantly in our large mango tree. It went on long enough that I sneaked onto the porch to see what was being eaten alive or who was so distressed. The noisemakers were two, small beauties being bothered by a bird much larger than themselves. The antagonist kept slowly moving one branch closer to the distraught twosome, reminding me of a naughty child deliberately annoying someone. When I went outside, the larger bird flew (of course, for "the wicked flee when no man pursueth") and the other two settled down. I ran inside for my camera and spent some time trying to get a good picture of the prettiest birds I've seen in a long time. For once in my life I wished I could identify birds; I had to thank God "for sending these pretty birds as my Sunday morning blessing" instead of intelligently thanking Him in Latin.

And if you can identify these for me, kindly let me know (in English, of course, of course). 


  1. That's a beautiful bird! I looked around online and Ghana has many beautiful birds! It looks like it might be in the kingfisher family. I saw a list of twelve kinds and only pictures of two of them. I hope you find it's name.

    1. Thank you for your suggestion, and it seems like you are correct. My brother identified it as an African Dwarf Kingfisher, the smallest of all kingfishers at 3.9" tall. Thank God for brothers, including my other one who suggested it might be a Red Bellied Mango Sucker -a name of his own invention. What credit he doesn't get for accuracy he earns with his humor. :)
