Monday, September 7, 2015

The Economy of Heaven

I cringed inwardly. Selling our vehicles in preparation for moving to Ghana meant taking a bit of a financial loss. So did other things like selling our bedroom suite and some appliances, thanks to depreciation. But they needed to be sold and we tried to be as fair as possible with the pricing on the items being sold. 

Yet something in me was cringing and I verbalized my sentiments to John. "This move is expensive!"

"It is expensive." No arguing about that. "But you need to remember that everything we are 'losing' is really our eternal gain, according to the economy of heaven."

Our conversation morphed into a glorious reminder of a Heavenly Economy that took away all sting of our expenditures. Instead of being a financial loss, this move is an eternal gain. I wanted to share our excitement with you and after I started this blog post, John preached a message on it. Apparently it was brewing in his mind, too. 

Here are our thoughts on Heavenly Economics:

Jesus told us not to lay up treasures on earth where rust and moth destroy (Matthew 6:19-20). We can simplify our life and refuse to get caught up in earthly investments yet forget to invest in heaven, neglecting Jesus' words that say "lay up for yourself treasure in heaven."

Earthly investors are wise. They deprive themselves to be able to invest heavily in their earthly account. They look for ways they can free up a few dollars to turn over into their account. Shouldn't the investors in a heavenly kingdom do the same? The accounts that earthly investors are working with are subject to failure; the Bank of Heaven is secure with incredible returns promised. The hundredfold Jesus mentioned in Mark 10:29,30 is a 10,000% return on your investment. 

The good thing is that the poorest among us can invest. No large outlay is required, for Jesus said that even a cup of cold water receives its reward (Matthew 10:42). The widow who dropped two small coins into the offering at the Temple was commended for giving more than the rest, for she had given all she had (Luke 21:1-4). 

The best way of investing in heaven is by investing in lives of people. The poor, the lame, the naked, those in prisons, the blind, the widows, and the orphans are all categories the Bible tells us to reach out to and by helping them and ministering to their needs, we lay up treasure in heaven. Investments in heaven, then, require no cash but even the poorest who has time or talent to offer can invest in people. 

I don't know how the reward system in heaven will work. I only know that Jesus told us to lay  up treasures there and told us how we can do that. Prayer, done in sincerity and alone, receives its reward. Giving, done not for show but in true love and compassion, receives it reward. 

In light of all that, our move to Ghana isn't expensive at all. It is a beautiful opportunity for us to lay up treasure in heaven. 

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