Friday, January 16, 2015

We're into aquatics right now...

If you recall from a previous post, our son loves to pretend he's a deep sea diver.

With that in mind, you can imagine his absolute delight when we were able to see a real, live diver hand-feeding fish and sting-rays at the Baltimore Aquarium.  (Definitely the highlight of the day!!)

So the next few days, he pretended he was a diver almost constantly.  I played into that interest, hid every aquatic related toy we own, and had him go searching.  He swam across the floor with his snorkeling gear and put all the critters he found in his blue mesh bag.  It was grand fun!

He also had so much fun with a little fishing game we made together.  It took about a half an hour to create and provided days of fun.   (I wish all my half-hour time periods produced such good returns!)  Notice his teddy-bear-turned-anchor off to the right.  He flings it out of his wash-basket-boat and into the sea before fishing.   

 To make the game, I printed off these little fish I found here and we (little sister included) colored them together.

To spice things up, I drew a few critters most fishermen would probably not rather catch and added them to the mix.  He loved catching them and hollered "Ew! Look what I caught!!" before flinging it back in the water.  

His fishing rod was a kitchen magnet tied to a ruler with yarn.  Yeah, I know.  Not exactly the most realistic pole I've seen, but he loved it.  

With all the fishing stuff going on, he wanted to make another craft fish like we had made last year. Even though it was a repeat, he had just as much fun with it this time as ever.  

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Remind him to be glad that you're his mom and not me. :)
