All our many hours of poking along in heavy traffic are at least partly redeemed by the street sellers and their wares. From the very beginning of our time here, I have admired the courage and tenacity of these hard-working people. Out in full sun on hot pavement with the exhaust of a thousand vehicles billowing around them, they work by the hour selling their wares for a minimal profit margin.
I have great respect for street sellers. They dodge in and among slowly moving vehicles or plaster themselves against a stopped car to let a motorcycle zip between the two lanes traffic. They can make change within seconds, a mandatory skill when you are working with a buyer on wheels. They run beside vehicles to catch up to the customer they were working with when traffic started moving. All the while they balance their wares on their head and wear flip-flops.
Some, with careful saving and lots of hard work, have been able to work their way up, starting as a street seller and eventually owning a small store. But advancing financially is hard going and requires lots of persistence, grit and a host of other qualities. I applaud them, for they are tenaciously making a living in a land where good jobs can be hard to come by. I also like to support them by purchasing things I need (whole wheat bread or TP for a crowd) from the street sellers.
The variety of their wares is nearly endless. Here is a small sample, taken through the windshield with a phone:
Cold water sold in sachets. Some also sell bottled soft drinks. |
Plantain chips |
Gum, mints, and candy |
Phone cards (and TP behind him) |
Plantain chips and an end table |
Hats for sale! |
Funny glasses for Christmas
(and brushes, shoe shine, and much more
coming behind him) |
As I said, I admire the street sellers. What if Christians were as relentless in our work for Christ as these courageous street sellers? How would the world be changed if we never minded the tiredness of our bodies or the challenges coming at us from the outside or the feeling like we aren't making much difference? May we give our lives to the cause of Christ and be a positive influence in our world.